Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Longest Week Ever

This week seems to be dragging on. I'm working on a project at work that needs to be done this week but is about as boring as watching paint dry.

Despite the dull project, I am still great with exercise. Today I did the elliptical with Kelly at lunch and ran 3 miles after work. I tracked my calories (other than the snack mix I took from pricing's food day table). All in all it was OK.

For a long time I avoided running because I think I look like an awkward runner. I clomp along at a slow pace. A few months ago I got over the fear and started running in public - on the treadmill at work and along busy streets in my neighborhood. I really like running outside, because people really like to cheer on the chubby girl running. Every time I go for a run at least one person I work with tells me good job. It is nice to get some encouragement to stay on if I could just get someone to keep me away from the next food day in the pricing department.

1 comment:

  1. This IS a long week, isn't it? Each morning I wake up and think, "Ooh! Is it Friday?" and have to realize it's not. Dang.

    I admire your running persistance. If you've started reading "Half-Assed" she has great stories in there about running in public and the interactions she had with people. I'm embarassed to run in public, and I live in the country - we see about three cars a day on our road, and I *still* don't want to do it. You go. :)
