Monday, July 19, 2010

Darn You, Ivy!

Today I did the elliptical at lunch. After work I ran three miles. It wasn't a good run, but I did it. I was pretty slow. After the run I did level 2 of the 30 day shred DVD. It sucked. Big time. It is so bad that halfway through it I started cursing Ivy for ever telling me about it. I only forgave her once my heart-rate returned to normal and I realized that she was torturing herself by doing the workout too.

I'm taking a break from morning workouts for two weeks. Mandee tore a muscle in her calf so she is taking it easy for a few weeks. I could say I planned on getting up and working out alone, but I know I never would. I'll just relax and make up for it with afternoon runs.

I did OK with food today. I'm hoping to see results on the scale, not just in my fitness level when I weigh myself tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, friend. But you can take comfort in the fact that I'm starting the 30 Day Shred all over again tomorrow morning at Level 1 (since I haven't done it in about three weeks) so I likely won't be able to sit in a chair without whimpering tomorrow. We'll need to self-medicate with lots of wine tomorrow night!
