Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Workout and Amazing Pancakes

Today was a good day. I tracked my calories, ran 3 miles, and did a new workout.

After hearing Ivy talk about Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD I thought I would check it out. I did level 1 and didn't think it was too bad, but we'll see what I say tomorrow when I try to walk up stairs. It's 20 packed minutes of intense activity. I am going to try to squeeze it in a few times a week in addition to my current work out schedule.

I had a salad for lunch because I knew I would have a big dinner. John and I had brinner tonight. We had pancakes so good the bacon paled in comparison. They weren't just regular pancakes, they were blueberry orange cornmeal pancakes with real maple syrup.

I'm feeling good about my weekend, even with yesterday not going so well. I usually do a good job staying on track with tracking my food during the week.

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