Monday, June 28, 2010

Back into the Swing of Things

The title of this post is a total lie. I did OK today, but I wouldn't say I'm in the swing of things. My car was in the shop today. That meant I took the bus. I was already carrying a laptop and purse, so I decided to leave my lunch sack and gym bag at home. I grabbed a salad and cookie from Palmer's for lunch and walked a bit before eating it.

After work I ran 3 miles and did the 30 Day Shred DVD. Right before I went on my run I had a slice of leftover pizza. It made for an uncomfortable few miles. Obviously I have forgotten how to fuel before a run.

I did track my calories today. I have my car back and I'm looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow morning with Mandee.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing better than me - I didn't even bother tracking calories (since I knew there were approximately 140 calories in each of the multiple cranberry-walnut cookies I inhaled yesterday). But today is a new day, friend! And I see you've linked to PastaQueen's blog - have you read her book? I can loan it to you. It's called "Half-Assed" and it details how she lost half her body weight. It's heeee-larious. :)
