Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Little Help from My Friends

Last weekend I went on a knitting date with Ivy. She has been blogging about her weigh loss efforts since April. After too much coffee and yarn talk I decided I would join her in her yarn diet. Every 5 pounds I lose I get to buy yarn. The rest of the time I'm saying no to my desire to purchase new wool and alpaca.

My plan for this blog is to share what I've done to help me reach my weight loss goals every day. I'm not following a specific diet, I am tracking my calories and exercising. I won't go into detail over food, I'll just say if I've logged it or not. I will go into a little more detail on my workouts, because working out is one of my favorite things to do. I plan on blogging every day, even if all I do is eat pretzels and sit on the couch.

This morning I lifted with Mandee for 45 minutes. I ran 3 miles after work. I tracked my food. It has been a good day. Honestly, if it was a bad day I would have never started this thing.

Mandee is my workout buddy. We meet at 7 every work day at the gym at work (OK, some days it is more like 7:30). Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we lift. Tuesdays and Thursdays we do cardio. The cardio is kind of weak, as I'm not a morning person and can't get my feet to move before 10. Working out with Mandee is nice because there is someone to hold me accountable, which I need (duh, people who hold themselves accountable don't have blogs where they share with the world that they are trying to lose weight).


  1. Way to go, Sarah!!! I'm with you on this adventure!

  2. Yay, Sarah Jane! Let's keep it rolling. I'm thinking I may have to revise my own yarn diet standards, given my propensity to retain more water than the Hoover Dam once I start weight training. Maybe for every inch lost, I get to buy yarn? :)
