Monday, August 2, 2010

Motivating Monday

Today I did the elliptical with Kelly at lunch and ran about 2.5 of my regular 3.25 route. I tracked my food. I had a great day. I have been living it up on the weekends lately - too much food and wine, too little moving. I'm enjoying myself, but each week it gets harder to get back into routine. I also need to work harder just to maintain my weight, which is really bad when your goal is to lose weight.

I like to think that I'm not the only one that has trouble getting into gear at the start of the week. I decided I would start sharing motivating songs that I love to run to (I'm totally ripping the idea off from Liz and her Tunes on Tuesday). My workout music is a strange mix - hip hop, ska, country, and punk are the most common).

This week it's the Dixie Chicks and Sin Wagon. I can't say enough about how much fun this song is to run to. I sing along as I run down the street. I don't know if it's the banjo or the lyrics. Either way it works.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorites -- I can't help but yell err...'sing' along with this song when I hear it. That'd make an interesting sight with headphones on running down the road, huh?


    heehee. :D thanks for sharin'!
